
Nov 15
Confimi Apindustria with “Quality Compass” new horizons for access to credit


It was held yesterday at the headquarters of Confimi Apindustria Vicenza opening the Confimi National Industry operating table on “Quality Compass.” A first operational comparison in a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the ABI (Italian Banking Association), the main representative associations and Credit Data Research subsidiary of Moody’s Analytics. Have been identified for the meeting, the territories represented by Confimi Apindustria Bergamo, Mantova and Confimi Apindustria precisely Confimi Apindustria Vicenza. The goal is to give life to a new shared location based on the qualitative assessment of the information provided by companies to the banks.

“We came out from the meeting satisfied – he concluded Lorenzin – especially for scoring as banks are beginning to seriously evaluate the qualitative rating of a company in the assessment of creditworthiness. This is a fair way to many entrepreneurs who in recent years were denied the opportunity to access valuable resources to make new investments, despite being worthy of trust and support. ” Read the full article.

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