
Aug 22
Credit Risk Ontology Workshop (CROW)


Credit Data Research is pleased to invite you to attend the conference on

October 14, 2015, Brunel University London 

Credit Risk Ontology Workshop (CROW)

Semantic Credit Risk Assessment in Business Ecosystems (SCRIBE) is a research project addressing the Digital Economy and Financial Services research challenge to improve Small and Medium Enterprises’ (SMEs) access to credit. The project aims to use emerging semantic technologies to provide disruptive innovation in the form of real-time credit risk assessment based on a dynamic understanding of the position and value of a company in relation to its business ecosystem (or network). Formal ontology plays a key role in SCRIBE via the discovery of ontological patterns that can be reused. Concomitantly, formal modelling of risk data is becoming more important in the financial industry via initiatives such as the (a) Basel-driven Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting (BCBS 239) and (b) Small and Medium Sized Business (Credit Information) Regulations. CROW thus aims to shed light on the ontological nature of credit risk by bringing together domain experts from the financial industry with researcher in formal ontology.

Specifically the objectives of the workshop are to:

1. Understand the ways in which domain experts in finance and banking define and work with the key terms used within the domain.

2. Describe typical credit risk scenarios/examples/data that domain experts normally experience in their work.

3. Use the definitions, scenarios and examples above to identify a subset of core objects that are (1) deemed fundamental to credit risk and (2) may present interesting ontological modelling challenges.

The day will thus comprise a mix of presentations and focused discussion. Speakers include:

• Professor Mark Lycett, Brunel University London

• Professor Jake Ansell, University of Edinburgh

• Dr Galina Andreeva, University of Edinburgh

• Alessio Balduini, CEO, Credit Data Research

• Satya Balla, Risk Analysis Specialist, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

• Dr Norbert Jobst, Director of Portfolio Analytics, Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking

CROW provides a unique opportunity to explore the formal modelling implications of credit risk. There is no fee to attend and lunch will be provided. As we have a limited number of places, however, please if you would like to attend the workshop.

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