We are pleased to invite you on September 28, 2017, 3:00 PM, New York in the Moody’s headquarters to the event Managing Disruption Conference “Navigating technology-driven innovation in finance and credit risk management”. Moody’s Analytics Emerging Business Unit (EBU) leads the company efforts to better understand and adapt to an environment characterized by widespread, technology-driven change. This includes the proactive assessment of new technologies, as well as the exploration of new business initiatives. The financial services industry is undergoing widespread, technology-driven change that demands new approaches. This event will offer insight into how players in the financial services industry are embracing change and leveraging new technologies to deliver solutions to an evolving marketplace. Moody’s Analytics will be hosting a panel to focus on artificial intelligence and feature lightning pitches from startups and partners of Moody’s Analytics.
Credit Data Research will be part of the discussion panel with the lightning pitch from Alessio Balduini “Navigating technology-driven innovation in finance and credit risk management”
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