
Oct 5
BancaForte – Quality Compass to reach the credit


The app created by Credit Data Research aims to create a report containing a qualitative rating and a comparative analysis with other companies in the same industry.
There is no doubt the key role that more than 20 million European SMEs, of which more than 2 million and a half Italian, may have in leading the country out of crisis and accelerate recovery. In recent years, their access to credit was affected by several factors. Among them, a dialogue with the banking sector is not always adequate and rating schemes with operational logic, not immediately intuitive, leading in many cases to a greater distrust of the financial intermediaries.



The quantitative aspects.



For their part, the banks, the introduction of the new rules of Basel 2, they had to focus their attention more on the quantitative aspects that make up the company’s valuation. The quantitative aspects are objective and related to both the analysis of budgetary financial variables that behavioral coming from Central Credit Bank of Italy. These aspects usually have a very high incidence on the outcome of an application for funding, often exceeding 80%.


Read the full article on BancaForte.

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